Sunday, 28 September 2014

Ahok: Kita Lihat Siapa yang Kariernya Akan Binasa

Ahok: Kita Lihat Siapa yang Kariernya Akan Binasa...

Kamis, 11 September 2014 | 23:00 WIB

Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama tak terpancing pernyataan anggota DPRD DKI Abraham Lunggana alias Lulung, yang menyebut karier Basuki harus dihabisi.

"Membinasakan karier? Kita lihat saja siapa yang kariernya binasa," kata Basuki, di Hotel Four Season, Kamis (11/9/2014) malam.

Sebelumnya, Lulung menyatakan bahwa pernyataan Basuki tentang revisi Undang-Undang Pemilu Kepala Daerah telah melebar hingga merendahkan lembaga legislatif.

Menurut Lulung, Basuki telah memperlihatkan sikap tak beretika sebagai seorang wakil gubernur.

"Ya sudahlah, dia kan memang sudah bilang kalau aku gila. Kalau memang gila, ya sudah," imbuh Basuki soal pernyataan Lulung.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, Lulung mengancam akan mengerahkan kekuatan di lembaga legislatif untuk tak menggelar sidang paripurna pelantikan Basuki menjadi gubernur DKI Jakarta, menggantikan Jokowi yang terpilih menjadi presiden.

Lulung yang juga Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah (DPW) PPP DKI Jakarta ini mengatakan, DPRD akan menggunakan hak interpelasi, alias meminta keterangan dari pemerintah, untuk memanggil Basuki.

Lewat interpelasi itu, kata Lulung, DPRD DKI akan meminta pertanggungjawaban Basuki terkait beragam pernyataan yang menyinggung DPRD. Meskipun pernyataan Basuki berlaku umum untuk semua DPRD di Indonesia, Lulung berkeyakinan bahwa yang dimaksud Basuki adalah DPRD DKI.

"Makanya kami minta Pak Ahok bertanggung jawab dengan hak interpelasi. Kami itu belum bekerja, kok Pak Ahok sudah menghina DPRD," kata pria yang sempat membuat kehebohan dengan mobil Lamborghini itu

Miskin tapi Beli Pesawat Senilai 40 Juta Dollar AS

Pemerintah Niger, salah satu negara paling miskin di dunia, telah mengundang kemarahan publik dengan pembelian pesawat kepresidenan senilai 40 juta dollar AS atau setara Rp 460 miliar. Niger adalah negara di Afrika yang berbatasan dengan Nigeria dan Benin.

Menteri Pertahanan Niger, Karidjo Mahamadou mengonfirmasi soal pembelian pesawat itu, Senin (1/9/2014). Menurut dia, pembelian tersebut akan membantu negaranya meningkatkan pengaruh dari negaranya.

Karidjo dalam wawancara dengan televisi pemerintah menyatakan pesawat Boeing 737700 tersebut tiba pada Minggu (31/8/2014) petang. Pembayaran pesawat, kata dia, menggunakan sekitar 20 miliar CFA franc, mata uang yang dipakai negara itu, dari kas negara.

Pesawat baru ini menggantikan pesawat kepresidenan sebelumnya, juga sebuah Boeing 737, yang dibeli pada 1970-an oleh presiden sebelumnya, Seyni Kountche. Selama pesawat dalam perbaikan, salah satu pakar penerbangan menyebutnya serasa menerbangkan peti mati.

Pakar yang sama menyebut pesawat kepresidenan yang lama sudah tak lagi memenuhi standar internasional. Namun, pembelian pesawat baru ini menuai kritik keras.

"Dalam kondisi negara kami berhadapan dengan kelaparan baru dengan ancaman banjir yang lebih serius pada tahun ini, pemerintah malah memutuskan membelanjakan miliaran (CFA franc) untuk belanja prestise," kecam Ousseni Salatou, juru bicara kubu koalisi oposisi Niger.

Anggota parlemen dari kubu oposisi, Amadou Ali, menuding pemerintah telah mencurangi publik dengan menyembunyikan penggunaan uang untuk membeli pesawat itu, dengan memasukkannya ke anggaran belanja peralatan militer.

Meskipun ada temuan baru cadangan uranium dan minyak bumi, Niger berada di deretan bawah Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (HDI) PBB. Sebanyak 60 persen penduduk Niger berada di bawah garis kemiskinan.

Pemerintah Niger berkilah buruknya ranking HDI tersebut karena angka kelahiran di negara tersebut, angka kelahiran tertinggi di dunia. Namun, indikator penyusun indeks tersebut tidak tunggal dan Niger mencatatkan angka buruk dalam beragam indikator.

Pada Juni 2014, Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) membekukan sementara bantuan keuangan untuk negara ini, menyusul terkuaknya pembelian pesawat kepresidenan senilai 40 juta dollar AS tersebut. Pembekuan berlaku setidaknya sampai 2014, seiring penyelidikan soal pembelian itu

Beyond Angkor: How lasers revealed a lost city

Angkor Wat temple
Deep in the Cambodian jungle lie the remains of a vast medieval city, which was hidden for centuries. New archaeological techniques are now revealing its secrets - including an elaborate network of temples and boulevards, and sophisticated engineering.
In April 1858 a young French explorer, Henri Mouhot, sailed from London to south-east Asia. For the next three years he travelled widely, discovering exotic jungle insects that still bear his name.
Today he would be all but forgotten were it not for his journal, published in 1863, two years after he died of fever in Laos, aged just 35.
Mouhot's account captured the public imagination, but not because of the beetles and spiders he found.
Readers were gripped by his vivid descriptions of vast temples consumed by the jungle: Mouhot introduced the world to the lost medieval city of Angkor in Cambodia and its romantic, awe-inspiring splendour.
"One of these temples, a rival to that of Solomon, and erected by some ancient Michelangelo, might take an honourable place beside our most beautiful buildings. It is grander than anything left to us by Greece or Rome," he wrote.

Begini Cara Gunakan Mesin Meter Parkir di Jalan Sabang

 Warga masih beradaptasi dengan sistem parkir menggunakan mesin meter parkir yang baru diterapkan di Jalan Sabang, Jakarta Pusat.

"Saya sendiri terus terang baru tahu. Parkirnya kan biasa aja. Kemudian diarahkan untuk membayar ke alat parkir meter. Persoalannya kan tidak semua orang bawa koin. Tapi untungnya di tukang parkirnya tersedia," kata Seyba, yang memarkir sepeda motornya di Jalan Sabang, Minggu (29/9/2014).

Warga Palmerah itu belum bisa menggunakan mesin meter parkir sendiri. Seorang petugas membantu dia menggunakannya.

Pengawas meteran parkir Sabang, Syafrudin Zen, menjelaskan cara menggunakan mesin meter parkir itu. Pertama, pengguna harus memencet tombol jenis kendaraan pada mesin, lalu mengisi nomor polisi kendaraan.

Setelah itu pengguna harus memasukkan uang koin untuk ongkos parkir ke mesin. Biaya parkir sepeda motor setiap jam Rp 2.000 dan mobil setiap jam Rp 5.000.

"Masukkan koin Rp 500 berwarna kuning dan putih, atau koin Rp 1.000  yang tipis. Jadi misalkan motor, pengguna memasukkan empat koin Rp 500, kemudian menekan tombol oke," katanya menjelaskan.

Bila uang yang dibayarkan pengguna pada awal parkir lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan ongkos yang harus dibayar sesuai lama parkir maka pengguna harus membayar kelebihan jam tersebut.

"Kontrolnya ada pada struk. Pada saat pemilik kendaraan keluar dari ruang parkir dia harus menunjukkan struk kepada petugas parkir. Jadi akan ketahuan lama parkirnya kemudian dikonversi ke tarif berdasarkan jenis kendaraannya," kata dia.

Syafrudin, yang mendapat gaji Rp 2,4 juta per bulan dari Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan selanjutnya akan diangkat jadi pegawai negeri, mengatakan sistem parkir yang baru lebih baik dibandingkan sistem parkir manual yang diterapkan sebelumnya.

"Mau berapa jam parkir, sudah ada tarifnya. Misalkan untuk motor, kalau satu jam Rp 2.000, mobil Rp 5.000, sementara truk atau bus sebesar Rp 8.000," kata Syafrudin.

Seyba juga menganggapnya demikian. Pria berkacamata itu mengusulkan pemerintah selanjutnya mempekerjakan petugas untuk menjaga mesin meter parkir itu dijaga petugas atau bila perlu memasangi kamera pengawas pada mesin tersebut.

Dia khawatir 11 mesin meter parkir yang dipasang di kanan-kiri Jalan Sabang akan rusak bila tidak dijaga oleh petugas.

"Kalau ada orang yang usil misalnya mengisi puntung rokok, bukannya alat ini bisa rusak. Kami harap alat ini terpelihara. Dan jangan lupa terus lakukan sosialisasi karena sistem ini baik," katanya.

Namun penerapan sistem parkir yang baru itu memunculkan kekhawatiran pada orang-orang yang bekerja di kawasan tersebut.

Nurul dan Nia, yang bekerja di kawasan itu, mengatakan penerapan sistem parkir meter akan memberatkan mereka karena jika tidak ada kebijakan khusus, dengan tarif parkir yang sekarang mereka harus mengeluarkan uang sampai sekitar Rp500.000 untuk parkir sepeda motor dalam sebulan.

"Sebulan biasanya hanya membayar Rp 50.000. Kalau menggunakan parkir meter bisa membengkak menjadi Rp 500.000 bila dalam sehari kami memarkir motor sampai sembilan jam karena bekerja. Mudah-mudahan dapat keringananlah," kata Nurul, yang bekerja di restoran Kopi Oey.

Warga masih beradaptasi dengan sistem parkir menggunakan mesin meter parkir yang baru diterapkan di Jalan Sabang, Jakarta Pusat.

"Saya sendiri terus terang baru tahu. Parkirnya kan biasa aja. Kemudian diarahkan untuk membayar ke alat parkir meter. Persoalannya kan tidak semua orang bawa koin. Tapi untungnya di tukang parkirnya tersedia," kata Seyba, yang memarkir sepeda motornya di Jalan Sabang, Minggu (29/9/2014).

Warga Palmerah itu belum bisa menggunakan mesin meter parkir sendiri. Seorang petugas membantu dia menggunakannya.

Pengawas meteran parkir Sabang, Syafrudin Zen, menjelaskan cara menggunakan mesin meter parkir itu. Pertama, pengguna harus memencet tombol jenis kendaraan pada mesin, lalu mengisi nomor polisi kendaraan.

Setelah itu pengguna harus memasukkan uang koin untuk ongkos parkir ke mesin. Biaya parkir sepeda motor setiap jam Rp 2.000 dan mobil setiap jam Rp 5.000.

"Masukkan koin Rp 500 berwarna kuning dan putih, atau koin Rp 1.000  yang tipis. Jadi misalkan motor, pengguna memasukkan empat koin Rp 500, kemudian menekan tombol oke," katanya menjelaskan.

Bila uang yang dibayarkan pengguna pada awal parkir lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan ongkos yang harus dibayar sesuai lama parkir maka pengguna harus membayar kelebihan jam tersebut.

"Kontrolnya ada pada struk. Pada saat pemilik kendaraan keluar dari ruang parkir dia harus menunjukkan struk kepada petugas parkir. Jadi akan ketahuan lama parkirnya kemudian dikonversi ke tarif berdasarkan jenis kendaraannya," kata dia.

Syafrudin, yang mendapat gaji Rp 2,4 juta per bulan dari Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan selanjutnya akan diangkat jadi pegawai negeri, mengatakan sistem parkir yang baru lebih baik dibandingkan sistem parkir manual yang diterapkan sebelumnya.

"Mau berapa jam parkir, sudah ada tarifnya. Misalkan untuk motor, kalau satu jam Rp 2.000, mobil Rp 5.000, sementara truk atau bus sebesar Rp 8.000," kata Syafrudin.

Seyba juga menganggapnya demikian. Pria berkacamata itu mengusulkan pemerintah selanjutnya mempekerjakan petugas untuk menjaga mesin meter parkir itu dijaga petugas atau bila perlu memasangi kamera pengawas pada mesin tersebut.

Dia khawatir 11 mesin meter parkir yang dipasang di kanan-kiri Jalan Sabang akan rusak bila tidak dijaga oleh petugas.

"Kalau ada orang yang usil misalnya mengisi puntung rokok, bukannya alat ini bisa rusak. Kami harap alat ini terpelihara. Dan jangan lupa terus lakukan sosialisasi karena sistem ini baik," katanya.

Namun penerapan sistem parkir yang baru itu memunculkan kekhawatiran pada orang-orang yang bekerja di kawasan tersebut.

Nurul dan Nia, yang bekerja di kawasan itu, mengatakan penerapan sistem parkir meter akan memberatkan mereka karena jika tidak ada kebijakan khusus, dengan tarif parkir yang sekarang mereka harus mengeluarkan uang sampai sekitar Rp500.000 untuk parkir sepeda motor dalam sebulan.

"Sebulan biasanya hanya membayar Rp 50.000. Kalau menggunakan parkir meter bisa membengkak menjadi Rp 500.000 bila dalam sehari kami memarkir motor sampai sembilan jam karena bekerja. Mudah-mudahan dapat keringananlah," kata Nurul, yang bekerja di restoran Kopi Oey.

George Clooney dan Amal Alamuddin menikah di Venice

George Clooney dan Amal Alamuddin menikah di Venice
Aktor AS George Clooney (REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi)
Venice (ANTARA News) - Bujangan paling terkenal di dunia, George Clooney, mengingkari janji untuk tetap hidup lajang pada Sabtu dan menikah dengan pengacara hak asasi manusia Amal Alamuddin dalam upacara akhir pekan di Venice.

Kota di Italia itu seperti Hollywood di Adriatik karena daftar tamu tersohor menjelajah antara hotel-hotel mewah dari pertunjukan kelas mewah, yang disebut-sebut sebagai pesta termewah tahun ini sementara rincian-rincian acara masih dirahasiakan.

Wakil Clooney, Stan Rosenfield, akhirnya buka suara mengenai kehidupan pribadi aktor itu pada Sabtu, dengan mengeluarkan satu pernyataan yang membenarkan perkawinan tersebut.

"George Clooney dan Amal Alamuddin melangsungkan pernikahan hari ini dalam upacara pribadi di Venice, Italia," kata Rosenfield yang dikutip oleh majalah People.

Pasangan itu telah dijadwalkan menikah secara resmi Senin dalam upacara balai kota abad ke-14 di Venice. Belum jelas apakah upacara itu akan dilangsungkan pada hari dan tempat itu.

Grand Canal kota itu berubah menjadi karpet merah aquatik karena aktor yang mengenakan busana tuxedo dan para tamunya melintasi laguna dari hotel Cipriani untuk jamuan makan malam di Aman Canal Grande Venice, yang berbintang tujuh. Palazzo Papadopoli berada di dalam kompleks hotel itu.

Aktor-aktor seperti Matt Damon dan Bill Murray terlihat bersama dengan model Cindy Crawford, editor majalah Vogue Anna Wintour dan penyanyi Bono di acara resepsi yang dilangsungkan di teras hotel tersebut.

How To Make Money Online Using Banner Ad Networks

Banner ad networks have remained a preferred way to monetize websites and blogs. Research has shown that marketers around the world engage with banner ads on the internet more than any other media. This has made many companies to continue relying on this strategy in their marketing campaigns. The following are guidelines on how you can make the most out of this business opportunity.
Create quality content in your site
Making money online using banner ad networks will depend on the trust that visitors place on your site. If your site provides useful and unbiased information, visitors are likely to spend more time on your site, providing you more views. This means the more time for visitors to interact with any of the banner ads that are placed on your site.
This is an important metric if you're trying to get high click through rates. When visitors encounter low quality content, they quickly leave your site and you lose the opportunity for banner clicks.
Create search engine friendly content
Apart from the amount of time visitors spend on your site, the number of visitors is equally important. Some banner ad networks will give you a pay per impression rate. Therefore, you should aim work to increase the number of new visitors on your website.
You can increase the amount of traffic to your site by ensuring you rank high on search engines. This makes it possible for more people to see your website or blog when they search for certain keywords.
Provide advertising spaces on your site
Once you have enough traffic, create appropriate spaces where banner ads can be placed. You could also share information on the number of visitors and page views that you receive to generate interest in potential advertisers.
Join the appropriate ad networks
Decide the kind of arrangement that will work best for you. You can choose banner ad networks that give click through rates or pay per impression rates. Ads related to your site content usually receive higher click through rates.
When choosing the banner ad networks you wish to join, do some research to avoid fraud. You can search for reviews that have been done before to hear what other people have to say about them. Get to know the advantages and disadvantages of using the various networks.
Choose how you want ads to appear on your site
Place the ads in such a way that they cause minimal interference with your site. This ensures your advertisements do not annoy viewers. You could place them at the right side, bottom or top of each page. You could also choose pop-up ads to allow you more space for your content.
With the right banner ad networks and a good traffic flow to your site, you can make a decent passive income on your site. Remember that you can also use these networks to advertise your website or blog on other sites as a strategy to get more traffic coming to your site.

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Do You Give 110% To Reach Your Goals?

Ashen faced and exhausted she sank into her chair. The taxi driver had just brought her home. Her shoes pinched her tired feet, her legs trembled with fatigue. She was cold and tired but she did it, she had achieved the trip she planned.
Now in her 90s life had become mundane at a daily level, and everything was an effort but she had planned a trip into town. She was now unsteady on her feet and walked with a stick but today was the day she was going into town. The taxi driver dropped her in town, near the bank together with her bag and stick. She was a little apprehensive but excited about her trip, it was a long time since she had done this.
Having arrived at the bank, she saw it hadn't yet opened, so she set off to take a look at a store down the road. When you are a bit unsteady on your feet, this isn't to be taken lightly! Having wandered around the shop and found nothing suitable she headed back to the bank, weaving in and out among the market day shoppers, hurrying on their way.
Money withdrawn she sat down to tidy it away in her purse. Oh dear! She had forgotten to ask the cashier to call a taxi for her, (they knew her well in the bank and were always helpful). There was nothing for it but to walk down the road to the taxi rank. Her feet were sore and she was now exhausted by this unaccustomed walking. Click, click on the pavement went her stick as she inched her way along the path. Each step becoming a greater ordeal than the last, her legs were shaking now and her feet felt on fire. Finally she made it to the taxi the driver helped her in and took her home.
Exhausted but elated that she had managed her trip out, she had achieved what she set out to do. She hadn't bought anything, but would do it again soon. Maybe to us this was nothing eventful, but the effort spent and the determination to achieve her goal was immense.
Do we put in as much effort into achieving our goal? We all have different goals at different times in our lives, but do we always give it our all to achieve them? Sometimes we give up on a project when with a little more effort we would have reached our goal. How often have you given up just too soon?

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How Efficient Are You?

Using your time effectively is always important in business. Work in a relaxed way and tap into your natural flow and you will get more done in less time and enjoy what you are doing.
When I was working in a small office, we sometimes had youngsters with us on work experience. On one occasion we were finding a new recruit suitable jobs. As I am very slow typing on a computer and do not touch type, I suggested passing over a list of many pages I was imputing for a new project.
Now the Boss seemed to think this was a good idea, however every time I passed over the list, to our recruit, when she was looking for something to do, the Boss found her something else to do instead!
Eventually the list was completed, but how efficient are you with your time? Now my ability was in sales, not imputing a list of 12 pages of future clients and their details into a computer system.
Who might help you?
It's great to learn new skills for your business like understanding and operating word press to build a website, or learning to write effective copy for your sales pages. However sometimes your time is better spent doing the things you are good at and finding someone to do other jobs. For example has people waiting to offer various services, for a fiver. Or is another good source of willing helpers who will quote for various jobs and free your time.
Maybe you have a relative who is expert in a particular field, who would be willing to help. Now youngsters are very computer literate and happy to earn a few pounds.
Of course the question is are you cash rich or time rich, this will have to be taken into account.
Why regular time slots make a difference.
It is important when building a business, or learning any skill, to achieve something every day towards your goal, however small. This keeps it in the forefront of your mind. It keeps the momentum going for fast progress and is better than occasional long sessions. This way you are likely to remember your newly learned skills better, or you may forget what you have learned, become frustrated, lose confidence and interest in your new project.
It is very rewarding to see regular progress and feel excited by your achievements, even if they are small to begin with. I would like to wish you success and steady progress in your new venture. Do congratulate yourself, many people don't even start, it always remains a dream!

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How Do I Start Home Based Business in My Free Time?

Many people have had success running a business from home. You may hear about other people working from home as their own boss and wonder, "How do I start a home based business on my own?" You may have an idea for a new product or service that isn't currently available to the public. It is smart to come up with a business based on observing what people need or want. Keep in mind that it is easier to improve on something that already exists than to create something new. You may wish to gain experience in your chosen field or take classes in business or accounting before you begin. Specializing in one thing is more important than being average at many things. Often, creative home based business ideas are specialized and are well-regarded because they are experienced and knowledgeable about their products. There is a lot of competition in the marketplace, so it is important to set yourself apart from others.
Before you officially begin your legitimate work at home based business, there is a lot of work that must go into setting it up. Don't rush this process! Anything that is forgotten or overlooked may cause problems or expenses later on. Find out what licensing and permits are required to start your business at home. If necessary, get insurance for your business to protect you from any issues. Have a written business plan so that you what direct you want your company to take. Make sure everything is set up and ready before you start trying to attract customers to your business. A poor first impression can make your company seem disorganized or untrustworthy, which can cause you to lose money as well as your reputation.
A good way to start a free home based business is by starting it during your free time while you still work a regular job. This way, you have a chance to see if your business will work and be successful enough to be your sole income. Start your business out small to gain experience and positive references. This will give you experience in what your business will be like and help you decide if it is the right choice for you. Reach out to family and friends to give you an advantage with positive reviews and word-of-mouth.
Once you have a large portfolio of past work, you are ready to start attracting clients. Be unique and market yourself as a trustworthy and friendly company. If you have set up a web page, make this previous work available online to prove your past success and expertise to potential customers. Ask past clients who were happy with your work if they will provide a written review for your page. Work on building a strong social media presence to reach a large network of potential customers and increase awareness of your company. Remember, the better you promote your company, the more successful your best digital home based business will be!

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I'm A Single Mom, and I'm Making Extra Money

When looking to make extra money, one has plenty of choices, especially with the advent of technology and the Internet. While true, a single mom must think a little harder about the situation. With this in mind, here are a few tips to succeed when working from home.
Set up an office: Without a doubt, a single mother will want to work from a comfortable office with plenty of room. Think about it, single moms working from home will need to relax and have enough room to come up with ideas, talk on the phone and work on the computer. This is especially true during times when children are around. If it's not possible to set up a separate office, one should, at minimum, try to put their desk in an area that is hard to reach for children. Then, one can work without fear. Otherwise, if a mom works in the middle of the living room, kids will crawl all over her to ask questions and get help.
Look around for work: Sadly, when looking for stay at home mom jobs, plenty of people take the first opportunity. This is unwise for a few reasons. For starters, one will want to research the company and position. Not only that, ideally, a mother should work in her career field. Think about it, when looking to make money, one should utilize their skills and take advantage of opportunities. Then, when doing so, a mom can make more money and improve her resume. In the future, this will lead to more job opportunities when going back to the corporate arena. On the other hand, single moms working from home that take low paying gigs are going to hurt their bank accounts. At the same time, when doing this, one will not help their career prospects.
Don't take on too much: It's easy to grow with excitement when finding stay at home mom jobs. However, one must curb their enthusiasm and avoid this. Think about it, when taking on too many jobs, a mom will end up overworking. Instead, single moms working from home need to look at the long-term. Then, one will take on jobs they can qualify for and finish on time. Simply put, with a long-term approach, a mother can avoid burnout.
Learn marketing: Finally, when looking for stay at home mom jobs, one needs to learn marketing. With Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, a working parent can easily show off his or her talents to people from around the world. When doing so, one also should build a simple WordPress website. With an online presence, a contractor or business owner will go a long way in finding excited and willing clients. Luckily, one can do all this without spending much money as most online marketing tools are free or don't cost much. For this reason, a working parent must, from day one, start to market his or her product or services. With this long-term approach, a single parent can make more money with less effort.
A working mom should consider work from home opportunities. Luckily, when doing so, one can make a decent living and take care of their children. While true, it's still wise for a mother to think more deeply about the situation and consider her lifestyle.

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How To Make 3D Printer Profits

The printer is not just a device for 2D printing of pictures or static content. Thanks to advancement in science and technology, printers are now capable of printing 3D items like a prototype for a prosthetic leg, a component for airplanes, a replacement for human bones or a simple household item! 3D or three dimensional printing may be new in the market but this technology has gained a lot of momentum in a short period of time. Industry experts have predicted that with time, the technology of 3D printing is going to get even bigger and take the world by storm!
Due to the fact that 3D printing is so popular, it is possible to make tremendous 3D printer profits by engaging in this business. In order to start up a 3D printing business you will need capital. The amount of capital required depends upon the type of business you're going for. If you desire to have a 3D printer that is capable of making prosthetics and aerospace parts or other complicated components then you are going to need anything from $30,000-$6,00,000! In case you want to start small and print hobby items, jewelry or toys ten you will only need about $5000 - $10,000.
In order to make impressive profits from 3D printing business you will not just require a sufficient amount of start-up capital but also some basic technical knowledge. It also helps if you have some industry contacts to rely on and to guide you during the initial stage of your 3D printing business. If you do not have the finances for opening up a brick and mortar shop then you can create an online 3D printing website. You can post your 3D designs on the website, advertise it on your social media page and encourage friends and supporters to spread the word about the same.
If you have stunning and intriguing 3D printing models then you will notice that clients would pour in automatically as there are a lot of people who do not mind paying good money for good 3D printed objects. While there are plenty of 3D enthusiasts out there, not all of them have the time and skill to create their own designs, which is why having a 3D printing business works because you can fulfil the needs of these 3D enthusiasts. You can start out small and take baby steps by printing simple objects and as you gain experience in this field you can print complex 3D fabricated objects to earn even more profits!

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Important Tips On How To Make Money Selling On Amazon

Since its inception Amazon has provided a platform for people, small companies and retailers to sell their products and make decent income. However some individuals do not know how to make money selling on Amazon. Some of the steps you can follow to become a top rated seller in Amazon are listed below.
Follow Amazon selling rules and guidelines
After signing up for a seller account. It is important to follow all Amazon rules and product guidelines to avoid getting banned. All this rules can be found in the help section of the Amazon website.
Strive to be an Amazon featured merchant
Getting to be an Amazon feature merchant is one way of solving question of how to make money selling in Amazon. Though Amazon does not say the exact formula on how one becomes a featured merchant, one can easily join this prestigious group after a few months by having good sales and excellent customer feedback.
Be flexible on your pricing
Though everyone's main aim is to make maximum profits, it is important to have an effective pricing strategy. Check the prices of your competitors and ensure the price difference margin is understandable. In the event your product get more orders, you can slightly increase the price to maximize profits.
Understand Amazon costs and fees
The most efficient way on how to make money selling on Amazon is understanding the fees and costs involved. When you buy a product to sell on Amazon, you have to price it in a way that you will cover your cost and still make a decent profit.
You can eliminate shipping fees by using Fulfillment by Amazon, FBA which entails sending your products to Amazon who will then handle the packaging and shipping to customers.
Amazon also charges a variety of fees including selling and referral fees.
Take advantage of Amazon marketing tools
Amazon has several marketing tools that can help your products get noticed. Some of this tools includes Listmania, Likes and Tags.
Ensure you have enough products to meet market demand
Though most sellers start small, it is advisable to have enough product supply in the event you start receiving more orders. This ensures your clients do not look for alternatives and you increase your income.
Utilize Amazon seller central
The best way on how to make money selling on Amazon is to constantly utilize the seller central reports. These reports helps one analyze sells, potential customers and the effectiveness of promotion and marketing.

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5 Tips for Starting a Home Daycare

A client contacted me for help starting her own business. She wanted to stay home with her toddler but she couldn't afford to give up the income from her job. Since she loves children, she wanted to open a home daycare business.
In working with childcare providers, I meet many who initially started a home daycare to be home with their own children. Far too many of them fail, usually for lack of basic business planning.
Let me share with you a few tips from the most successful providers.
Never forget this is a business - Great daycare providers fall in love with the children in their care. When a parent doesn't pay their bill, providers have to make the tough decision to dismiss that child from care. Clear, written payment policies and the ability to process credit card payments - look into Square or PayPal - will help you continue to care for children without putting your business in the red.
Make sure you follow the law - Home daycare providers must be licensed by the state if they care for more than a threshold number of unrelated children. The threshold varies by state so be sure you find out what your state requires. There will be health and fire regulations to follow and cities or homeowner's associations may have regulations governing home daycare so investigate these before you open your business.
Decide whether to accept government assistance - The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) offers reimbursement for meals and snacks served by daycare providers. There are also federal daycare subsidies for low-income parents. These programs can help your bottom line but investigate what is involved before you decide to participate.
Interview parents face to face - When a parent contacts you, meet them in person. Discuss your policies about payment, drop-off and pick-up times, sick child care and discipline and have them sign a copy of these policies for your files. Meet the child before you agree to enroll him or her in your program. It's important that you, the parents and the child are a good fit.
Network with other providers - Home daycare can be a lonely business and if you don't have a vehicle adequate to transport all of the children safely, you can be homebound. Getting to know other providers gives you someone you can talk to when you need advice - or just adult conversation!
Home daycare is hard work and many who try it end up giving it up and going back to work as soon as their own children are able to go to school. If you really love children though, and are willing to work hard and keep your eye on the bottom line, it can offer you a comfortable home based income.

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