"The ASEAN Economic Community agreement includes allowing foreign workers, including health personnel, to work in a member country. The IDI continues to encourage the implementation of competency and certification tests for foreign health workers to open their own practice in Indonesia," Nursyam said here on Monday.
Updated information, the latest infos, info of the business, insurance, car insurance, finance, banking, sports, baby, celebrity and car that you can read and follow on us, the important things info that are around you
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Indonesian Medical Doctor Association encourages certification for foreigners
"The ASEAN Economic Community agreement includes allowing foreign workers, including health personnel, to work in a member country. The IDI continues to encourage the implementation of competency and certification tests for foreign health workers to open their own practice in Indonesia," Nursyam said here on Monday.
Knifeman kills one at Munich station; no evidence of Islamist motive
policeman walks past flowers, placed at the stairs of a train station,
following a knife attack in Grafing train station south east of Munich,
Germany, May 10, 2016.
A man stabbed four people at a train station near Munich early on
Tuesday, killing one and injuring three in an attack a senior politician
said did not appear to be politically motivated.
Friday, 29 April 2016
Foto-foto Sejarah Kupang
Koleksi foto-foto Kota Kupang(mengenal Koepang) jaman
dulu benar-benar istimewah dan menunjuki bahwa Kupang dulu adalah kota
pelabuhan yang kecil.
Ini adalah satu-satunya koleksi foto Kota
Kupang jaman dulu yang tersediah online - setahu kami. Jika Anda tahu
situs lain yang punya foto Kota Kupang jaman dulu,
Sejarah ini seharusnya tidak boleh hilang maka membantulah kami mengembangkan koleksi ini. Terima kasih pada Bapak Hendrik dari Rotterdam Steak House yang memberi foto-foto yang di bawah.
Jika Anda sendiri mempunyai foto yang mau tampil di halaman ini,
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Tips for Archery Fishing
Also known as Bow fishing, this is a sport wherein a fisherman uses archery equipment to fish.
A regular hunting bow can be used for fishing by simply attaching a reel to the front of the bow grip.
Archery fishing is especially favored by regular hunters when regular game like deer are off season. This way they can continuously hone their skills for whatever season it may be.
Before engaging in archery fishing, one must first take into consideration the following:
1. A fisherman must be duly licensed. Some states require that an individual have a state license to fish.
2. Equipment. Most states have a predetermined set of approved equipment for archery fishing.
3. Archery Safety Course. Still, some states require that an individual go through an approved safety course for archery fishing to ensure that the individual is well versed with the proper safety precautions and information regarding applicable laws in fishing.
A regular hunting bow can be used for fishing by simply attaching a reel to the front of the bow grip.
Archery fishing is especially favored by regular hunters when regular game like deer are off season. This way they can continuously hone their skills for whatever season it may be.
Before engaging in archery fishing, one must first take into consideration the following:
1. A fisherman must be duly licensed. Some states require that an individual have a state license to fish.
2. Equipment. Most states have a predetermined set of approved equipment for archery fishing.
3. Archery Safety Course. Still, some states require that an individual go through an approved safety course for archery fishing to ensure that the individual is well versed with the proper safety precautions and information regarding applicable laws in fishing.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
7 Effective Ways to Read and Understand African Political News
Whether you are an African expatriate hoping to stay in touch
with what is going on in your home country, a potential tourist hoping
to do research on the best place to visit, a political student striving
to understand the development in Africa, or simply well-wisher dedicated
to unload of few bucks to chip in the aid for Africa, translating the
information you read into valuable knowledge is an important task
Like any other continent, Africa offers a set of complex realities that can offer conflicting outcome for the party interested; moreover, accessing the information you need is not always evident between the information you look for, and the information you find.
Below is a short description of criteria to consider when reading or researching news on Africa. While the list is not exclusive, and can certainly be extended, I believe this initial guidepost may help. Feel free to add or consider additional helpful points.
1. Consider the source of the information
Africa is a very complex place, that combines many world and realities, the gap between the rich and the poor creates in many places two different societies whose world rarely collide. For that reason, news sources are often tailored to one group or the other.
Understanding the source of the information will help you assess the legitimacy of the information you have. For example, is it a local or foreign news source? Foreign sources often have greater access to political circles because the government is more concerned about the way it is portrayed to the outside world; however, foreign sources rarely give you the real pulse of the nation. If the source is local, consider the accreditation that is reflected by interviews or first hand accounts. In Africa, Official news is often given unofficially, while official news is a front. That means that those sources that have close access to the government are more likely to give credible news, compare to unaccredited sources to whom is given generic news. (More on it further down)
2. Try to capture the perspective of the information
In Africa, the freedom of the press is not a sacred duty, and as mentioned above, free and transparent news are not evident. As a result, news often reflects the perspective of the source. The information you will get is based on the perception of the source. In the West, Africa is widely primarily viewed as a continent ravaged by war and diseases, where impoverished people and government are struggling very hard to survive, and thus their lives and activities are geared toward Help and how the global community can help them. As a result, most African news coming from the West will treat topics such as aid, sanction, peace and war, and oil discovery. Human rights, rigged election and corruption are other subjects often treated; in other words, Western media tend to chronicle Africa's efforts to "join" or emulate them.
When it comes to local media and news sources, the dilemma is different. Elite and well positioned news sources depicts the political life of the country, meaning that their news are mostly geared toward accounts of big political activities, such as Presidential travels and visits, opposition complaints, foreign investment, dignitaries visits, Diaspora news and international events in which the government participate. In short, those news sources attempts to present information from the perception of Africa to the rest of the world.
Finally, local media perception is often directed at the local population, therefore offers information on issue that matters to locals; energy and gas issues, employment, government promises kept or not, education, political freedom, cultural and social safeguard, etc...
3. Acknowledge the Biases
In the U.S, it is often assumed that CNN is Pro-democrats, and Fox News is a Republican arm, regardless if true or not, that perception is very present in Africa as well; not in form of Republican or democrats of course, but they still play a short role.
From the day of colonization, Western Nations had strategic interests in Africa, and Political propaganda has insured that many Westerners view some African countries internal policies as beneficial or threatening to their way of life.
Like any other continent, Africa offers a set of complex realities that can offer conflicting outcome for the party interested; moreover, accessing the information you need is not always evident between the information you look for, and the information you find.
Below is a short description of criteria to consider when reading or researching news on Africa. While the list is not exclusive, and can certainly be extended, I believe this initial guidepost may help. Feel free to add or consider additional helpful points.
1. Consider the source of the information
Africa is a very complex place, that combines many world and realities, the gap between the rich and the poor creates in many places two different societies whose world rarely collide. For that reason, news sources are often tailored to one group or the other.
Understanding the source of the information will help you assess the legitimacy of the information you have. For example, is it a local or foreign news source? Foreign sources often have greater access to political circles because the government is more concerned about the way it is portrayed to the outside world; however, foreign sources rarely give you the real pulse of the nation. If the source is local, consider the accreditation that is reflected by interviews or first hand accounts. In Africa, Official news is often given unofficially, while official news is a front. That means that those sources that have close access to the government are more likely to give credible news, compare to unaccredited sources to whom is given generic news. (More on it further down)
2. Try to capture the perspective of the information
In Africa, the freedom of the press is not a sacred duty, and as mentioned above, free and transparent news are not evident. As a result, news often reflects the perspective of the source. The information you will get is based on the perception of the source. In the West, Africa is widely primarily viewed as a continent ravaged by war and diseases, where impoverished people and government are struggling very hard to survive, and thus their lives and activities are geared toward Help and how the global community can help them. As a result, most African news coming from the West will treat topics such as aid, sanction, peace and war, and oil discovery. Human rights, rigged election and corruption are other subjects often treated; in other words, Western media tend to chronicle Africa's efforts to "join" or emulate them.
When it comes to local media and news sources, the dilemma is different. Elite and well positioned news sources depicts the political life of the country, meaning that their news are mostly geared toward accounts of big political activities, such as Presidential travels and visits, opposition complaints, foreign investment, dignitaries visits, Diaspora news and international events in which the government participate. In short, those news sources attempts to present information from the perception of Africa to the rest of the world.
Finally, local media perception is often directed at the local population, therefore offers information on issue that matters to locals; energy and gas issues, employment, government promises kept or not, education, political freedom, cultural and social safeguard, etc...
3. Acknowledge the Biases
In the U.S, it is often assumed that CNN is Pro-democrats, and Fox News is a Republican arm, regardless if true or not, that perception is very present in Africa as well; not in form of Republican or democrats of course, but they still play a short role.
From the day of colonization, Western Nations had strategic interests in Africa, and Political propaganda has insured that many Westerners view some African countries internal policies as beneficial or threatening to their way of life.
Tips For a Stress-Free IT Job Search
The best source to look for jobs related to Information Technology (most commonly known as IT) is, obviously, the Internet.
Various sites offer listings of job openings for specific fields. The key for a fruitful search is to know how and where to look for the best possible jobs available.
To have access on a certain site's listing, an individual must first accomplish the following:
1. Register at the chosen site
2. After registration confirmation (via an email from the moderator of the site), the individual may now have access to the list
3. In searching for the preferred or suitable job vacancy, you may be asked to fill out a form (online) that states an individual's profile.
Various sites offer listings of job openings for specific fields. The key for a fruitful search is to know how and where to look for the best possible jobs available.
To have access on a certain site's listing, an individual must first accomplish the following:
1. Register at the chosen site
2. After registration confirmation (via an email from the moderator of the site), the individual may now have access to the list
3. In searching for the preferred or suitable job vacancy, you may be asked to fill out a form (online) that states an individual's profile.
Sunday, 17 April 2016
Studi Klaim Operasi Bypass Lambung Mampu Kontrol Diabetes Lebih Baik
Studi Klaim Operasi Bypass Lambung Mampu Kontrol Diabetes Lebih Baik (proses operasi bypass lambung)
Menjaga pola makan dan olahraga teratur merupakan saran dokter untuk pasien diabetes agar gula darahnya terjaga. Namun sebuah studi menyebut operasi bypass lambung memberikan hasil lebih baik daripada dua hal tersebut.
Dr David E Cummings dari University of Washingtong, Seattle, mengatakan setelah satu tahun, pasien diabetes yang melakukan operasi bypass lambung memiliki kontrol penyakit yang lebih baik. Manfaat lebih besar dirasakan oleh pasien obesitas yang kesulitan menjaga pola makan dan berolahraga teratur.
"Penelitian ini menjadi tonggak pemikiran baru bahwa operasi bisa menjadi alternatif cara untuk mengatasi diabetes," tutur Dr Cummings, dikutip dari Reuters, Kamis (24/3/2016).
Penelitian dilakukan kepada 43 pasien diabetes tipe 2 yang mengalami obesitas. Pasien berusia 25 hingga 64 tahun dan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, 23 orang mendapat operasi bypass lambung sementara 20 sisanya melakukan program diet, perubahan gaya hidup dan olahraga teratur 5 kali per minggu.
Selama satu tahun, partisipan dipantau kesehatan dan kepatuhannya. Peneliti juga mengukur kadar insulin, sensitivitas insulis, berat badan, lingkar pinggang hingga kolesterol dan tekanan darah untuk melihat kondisi kesehatan.
Setelah satu tahun, 60 persen partisipan kelompok pertama yang melakukan operasi bypass lambung gula darahnya turun hingga normal. Smementara pada kelompok kedua, hanyan 6 persen partisipan yang mampu menurunkan gula darahnya hingga kadar normal.
Selain itu, kurang dari 30 persen partisipan kelompok pertama masih menggunakan insulin harian. Jauh lebih sedikit daripada 41 persen partisipan kelompok kedua yang masih menggunakan insulin setiap hari.
Cheap printer ink cartridges: helps in cost cutting
With the increase in the usage of printers in businesses and office,
demand for printer ink cartridges has gone up as well. At the same time,
quality of the pages and the ink cartridges has become the essential
factors in printing the pages. Many a times, people lookout for the
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) ink cartridges whenever their
printers fall short of ink. Why throw money down the drain, when you can
buy cheap printer ink cartridges. When you go for the OEM ink
cartridges, you are likely to spend huge amount of money on the printing
needs. They will end up increasing your overall stationery costs.
With the entry of the third party vendors producing cheap printer ink cartridges, the monopolistic market of the branded and genuine ink cartridges is almost shut. These cartridges are cheaper than the original ones. The ink cartridges are non bio-degradable. Every year, people from across the globe add into millions of tons of garbage in landfills. Used printer ink cartridges are dumped without thinking of re-filling. The cartridges are formed of high grade plastic and take up thousands of years before they break down. It is advisable to practice secure ink cartridges recycling to assist and save the environment from damage caused by the unsuitable disposal of the printer ink cartridges. Online world is one of the great places to purchase cheap printer ink cartridges.
With the entry of the third party vendors producing cheap printer ink cartridges, the monopolistic market of the branded and genuine ink cartridges is almost shut. These cartridges are cheaper than the original ones. The ink cartridges are non bio-degradable. Every year, people from across the globe add into millions of tons of garbage in landfills. Used printer ink cartridges are dumped without thinking of re-filling. The cartridges are formed of high grade plastic and take up thousands of years before they break down. It is advisable to practice secure ink cartridges recycling to assist and save the environment from damage caused by the unsuitable disposal of the printer ink cartridges. Online world is one of the great places to purchase cheap printer ink cartridges.
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Business Catalyst CMS Templates
Business Catalyst CMS templates are the perfect way to customise your
Adobe Business Catalyst based website. Adobe Business Catalyst is a
powerful CMS that offers much more than the typical fare. As well as the
ability to add and manage your own online content, it also enables you
to view data on your visitors, manage customer relations, and conduct
extensive email marketing campaigns all from a single, convenient online
The platform is installed on your web server and this means that you can then login from any computer as long as it has Internet access. You can manage all of your content, read your email, and conduct any other processes that are required for the day from anywhere in the world, or just anywhere in the office. This convenience has helped make Business Catalyst so popular.
The platform is installed on your web server and this means that you can then login from any computer as long as it has Internet access. You can manage all of your content, read your email, and conduct any other processes that are required for the day from anywhere in the world, or just anywhere in the office. This convenience has helped make Business Catalyst so popular.
Why is it One of the Most Cost-Effective Ways to Advertise your Business
Ever heard of affiliate programs? These are forms of Internet advertising that rewards the affiliates for driving traffic to the advertiser or for other transactions. The advertiser pays the affiliate to place a link on their website, and the affiliate sends traffic to the advertiser in return. Simply put, it's about paying commissions to people who help you make sales. It's that easy. NOT.
Affiliate marketing has its ups and downs. It could be draining if you are not armed with updated information and the technical how-tos. But this article's sole objective is to reach out to you and not to badmouth affiliate marketing.
Here are the following reasons on why web marketers go gaga over affiliate marketing as a form of Internet advertisement.
1. Low cost
Many are scared to go on a home based business because of the capital required. In affiliate marketing, you don't have to spend much to start raking in moolah.
2. Inventories not included
Product management fuss could be very stressing. An inventory is not asked to be maintained. The merchant does the maintenance required.
3. Unlimited income through leverage
When you have a paid job, your monthly income mainly relies on whether you go to work or not. With affiliate marketing, your affiliates could all just lead traffic to your site without having to lift a finger after providing them your ad copy and links. Though not every web marketer earns limitless, it still is a fact that all the necessary matters for the advertiser or Internet marketer are all there to be successful.
4. Go worldwide
With affiliate marketing, you are dealing with a global market place. All you have to do is choose a niche product and prepare all the necessary tools for your affiliates to lead traffic from just about anywhere to your website.
5. Low risk
The very main reason for Internet marketer's enthusiasm with affiliate marketing is its having a low risk factor. Especially for those with low budget set aside for advertising, affiliate marketing is just the way to do it.
6. No closing time
With affiliate marketing, your business works every single second of the day while targeting a worldwide market! What could be better than that?
But all of these will be put to waste if you don't have the right niche product and all the other important tools to make it big in affiliate marketing, i.e., well-SEO-ed website. So better work on this first before ever considering those benefits.
Affiliate marketing has its ups and downs. It could be draining if you are not armed with updated information and the technical how-tos. But this article's sole objective is to reach out to you and not to badmouth affiliate marketing.
Here are the following reasons on why web marketers go gaga over affiliate marketing as a form of Internet advertisement.
1. Low cost
Many are scared to go on a home based business because of the capital required. In affiliate marketing, you don't have to spend much to start raking in moolah.
2. Inventories not included
Product management fuss could be very stressing. An inventory is not asked to be maintained. The merchant does the maintenance required.
3. Unlimited income through leverage
When you have a paid job, your monthly income mainly relies on whether you go to work or not. With affiliate marketing, your affiliates could all just lead traffic to your site without having to lift a finger after providing them your ad copy and links. Though not every web marketer earns limitless, it still is a fact that all the necessary matters for the advertiser or Internet marketer are all there to be successful.
4. Go worldwide
With affiliate marketing, you are dealing with a global market place. All you have to do is choose a niche product and prepare all the necessary tools for your affiliates to lead traffic from just about anywhere to your website.
5. Low risk
The very main reason for Internet marketer's enthusiasm with affiliate marketing is its having a low risk factor. Especially for those with low budget set aside for advertising, affiliate marketing is just the way to do it.
6. No closing time
With affiliate marketing, your business works every single second of the day while targeting a worldwide market! What could be better than that?
But all of these will be put to waste if you don't have the right niche product and all the other important tools to make it big in affiliate marketing, i.e., well-SEO-ed website. So better work on this first before ever considering those benefits.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Good News Or Bad News - And The Difference Is?
Ever had someone give you bad news? How about good news? What's the difference or is there a difference?
Good news - stuff or information that makes us happy, content, reassured, secure and validated.
Bad news - the opposite.
So, it would appear that there is a difference between good and bad news - read on.
Have you ever gotten bad news but in the end things turned out well or better than you anticipated? Have you ever received good news and over time what you thought was good news ended up being not so good?
From personal experience I can tell you that I have experienced all four -
Good news that was good.
Bad news that was bad.
Good news - stuff or information that makes us happy, content, reassured, secure and validated.
Bad news - the opposite.
So, it would appear that there is a difference between good and bad news - read on.
Have you ever gotten bad news but in the end things turned out well or better than you anticipated? Have you ever received good news and over time what you thought was good news ended up being not so good?
From personal experience I can tell you that I have experienced all four -
Good news that was good.
Bad news that was bad.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Ten of the Best Free Android News Apps
One of the most logical and useful groupings of applications are
the Android news apps. It just makes sense to have one or more of these
free apps on your phone so you can get the news you want when you want.
Typically, all the bigger news sources provide their applications free
of charge making these free news apps an even bigger no-brainer. This
leaves everyone with one big decision to make: which one(s) to download.
A secondary concern you should also consider is whether you want a
local news app. Again, these are almost always free to download;
however, the quality of these varies tremendously and it's really a
market-by-market issue. Of course, the bigger the market the better
their Android news apps should be and this line of thinking usually
holds true.
Regarding which of the many free Android news apps to download, the only way to figure it out is to learn more about them. Here is some periphery information about 10 of the best Android news apps:
FOX News
Like the TV channel and programming, this free Android app tends to provide its news from the more conservative point of view and spectrum. FOX News provides users with the latest news and updates from the people behind the FOX News Network. You can control the number of feeds and the type of news items you receive!
Tech Buzz Widget
Want to know the latest about technology, including any and all news about the Android OS, gaming, and mobile gadgets? If so, this free Android news app is the right app for you.
This is another app providing news on the mobile technologies niche. This one is more specialized toward information, news and rumors on all the latest about the Android OS and the Android Market.
Pulse News Reader
This Android news app will basically make you want to use your Android phone more and more for the sake of gathering news information. Its goal is to make reading your favorite news sources easier and more efficiently. It takes your favorite news sites and separates and orders them into a completely different look that's easier to read and browse through. It really is a great app to have.
Regarding which of the many free Android news apps to download, the only way to figure it out is to learn more about them. Here is some periphery information about 10 of the best Android news apps:
FOX News
Like the TV channel and programming, this free Android app tends to provide its news from the more conservative point of view and spectrum. FOX News provides users with the latest news and updates from the people behind the FOX News Network. You can control the number of feeds and the type of news items you receive!
Tech Buzz Widget
Want to know the latest about technology, including any and all news about the Android OS, gaming, and mobile gadgets? If so, this free Android news app is the right app for you.
This is another app providing news on the mobile technologies niche. This one is more specialized toward information, news and rumors on all the latest about the Android OS and the Android Market.
Pulse News Reader
This Android news app will basically make you want to use your Android phone more and more for the sake of gathering news information. Its goal is to make reading your favorite news sources easier and more efficiently. It takes your favorite news sites and separates and orders them into a completely different look that's easier to read and browse through. It really is a great app to have.
Television News Channels in India
News programmes have suddenly become hot property and are vying for
attention with other popular programmes telecast in different channels.
All major television broadcasters are including at least one news
channel to their bouquet. The biggest headache for launching a satellite
channel is programme software for round the clock. In this juncture,
newsgathering is a major task for the 24-hour news channels. To cater
this task, the emerging electronic channels have always made an attempt
to cover all the incidents irrespective of position, location and time.
These channels not only revolutionized the concept of news on Indian
television but also changed the news formats. Before 1990s, Doordarshan
had monopolized newscast on Indian television and also turned the news
programs into a dowdy exercise. Now the private channels made the news
an essential commodity like food, cloth and shelter. The strong point of
all today’s news bulletins is their topicality, objectivity, glossy
editing and high-quality visuals. News has traveled a long way from the
DD era. From Local events to International events, breaking news to news
analysis, television soap to page3 news, every happening comes under
purview of news. In this article, we have covered some significant
changes in news broadcasting in India before and after the Gulf War.
Monday, 11 April 2016
Tips on How to Teach Your Kids to Save Money
A lot of teens nowadays do not understand the value of earning and spending money. They were not oriented that investing is necessary even if they are still students. As parents, you play a crucial role in this area.
You should be able to teach your kids on how to save money. They should be able to understand the concept of money and investment as early as childhood. This will prepare them to learn money management, as they grow old.
Here are some tips on how you can teach your children how to save money:
1. Your children should be educated of the meaning of money. Once your children have learned how to count, that is the perfect time for you teach them the real meaning of money. You should be consistent and explain to them in simple ways and do this frequently so that they may be able to remember what you taught them.
2. Always explain to them the value of saving money. Make them understand its importance and how it will impact their life. It is important that you entertain questions from them about money and you should be able to answer them right away.
3. When giving them their allowances. You need to give them their allowances in denominations. Then you can encourage them that they should keep a certain bill for the future. You can motivate them to do this by telling them that the money can be saved and they can buy new pair of shoes or the toys they want once they are able to save.
4. You can also teach them to work for money. You can start this at your own home. You can pay them fifty cents to one dollar every time they clean their rooms, do the dishes or feed their pets. This concept of earning little money will make them think that money is something they have worked for and should be spent wisely.
5. You can teach them to save money by giving them piggy banks where they can put coins and wait until they get full. You can also open bank accounts for them and let them deposit money from their allowance. You should always show them how much they have earned to keep them motivated.
Money and saving is not something that is learned by children in one sitting. You should be patient in teaching them and relating the value of money in all of their activities. Children will learn this easily if you are patient and consistent in guiding them and encouraging them in this endeavor.
You should be able to teach your kids on how to save money. They should be able to understand the concept of money and investment as early as childhood. This will prepare them to learn money management, as they grow old.
Here are some tips on how you can teach your children how to save money:
1. Your children should be educated of the meaning of money. Once your children have learned how to count, that is the perfect time for you teach them the real meaning of money. You should be consistent and explain to them in simple ways and do this frequently so that they may be able to remember what you taught them.
2. Always explain to them the value of saving money. Make them understand its importance and how it will impact their life. It is important that you entertain questions from them about money and you should be able to answer them right away.
3. When giving them their allowances. You need to give them their allowances in denominations. Then you can encourage them that they should keep a certain bill for the future. You can motivate them to do this by telling them that the money can be saved and they can buy new pair of shoes or the toys they want once they are able to save.
4. You can also teach them to work for money. You can start this at your own home. You can pay them fifty cents to one dollar every time they clean their rooms, do the dishes or feed their pets. This concept of earning little money will make them think that money is something they have worked for and should be spent wisely.
5. You can teach them to save money by giving them piggy banks where they can put coins and wait until they get full. You can also open bank accounts for them and let them deposit money from their allowance. You should always show them how much they have earned to keep them motivated.
Money and saving is not something that is learned by children in one sitting. You should be patient in teaching them and relating the value of money in all of their activities. Children will learn this easily if you are patient and consistent in guiding them and encouraging them in this endeavor.
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Searching for an Accounting Job
Accounting graduates, have broader choices and specific paths to follow with their careers. Accounting requires a lot of skills when it comes to business and that is why every company has an employee that is an accounting graduate. If you are an accounting graduate, you can apply in any kind of firm. Areas may include tax, audit, financial analysis and management accounting.
It is best that you apply for a job that matches your interests and expertise. There are careers that have been proven by most accounting graduates to bring them to the top of the success ladder and you may want to consider entering these fields.
If you are an accounting graduate who excel in public accounting, the entry-level positions that best fit this skill are Tax Staff, Consulting/ Management Services and Staff Auditor. With these positions you will do your duties reporting to a senior. Once you have acquired three to six years of experience in any of these positions, you may then want to consider applying for the higher levels like Tax Senior, Senior Auditor, and Consulting Senior where the position entails reporting directly to a Manager. After six years of excelling with these potions, then you may consider the positions Partner level and Senior Partner.
Having an edge with corporate accounting, one to three years of experience will qualify you to become a staff member in Internal Audit, Tax Accounting, Management, and Financial Accounting. Moving up the higher lever after three to six years, you will be eligible for the Senior Level for Internal Audit, Tax Accounting and Management Accounting. Six years thereafter, you may want to consider aiming for the positions like the Tax Manager, Internal Audit Manager and Financial Accounting Manager.
Expertise in Financial Management, Staff for Financial Planning, Cash Management, and Credit Analysis are options for entry-level positions. Once you have gained the enough experience, you may aim for the Treasury Operations, Credit Analysis and Senior Financial Planning. Higher positions will include Treasurer, Manager for Credit Analysis and Financial Planning.
These career options are traditional paths that were found to fit best for accounting graduates. However, it does not mean that they are the only way to climb up the success ladder. You should go beyond not just limit your skills to accounting. It is still recommended that you gain enough work experience, acquire knowledge in different aspects of education, and continue to improve your character to be a step ahead with other job seekers.
It is best that you apply for a job that matches your interests and expertise. There are careers that have been proven by most accounting graduates to bring them to the top of the success ladder and you may want to consider entering these fields.
If you are an accounting graduate who excel in public accounting, the entry-level positions that best fit this skill are Tax Staff, Consulting/ Management Services and Staff Auditor. With these positions you will do your duties reporting to a senior. Once you have acquired three to six years of experience in any of these positions, you may then want to consider applying for the higher levels like Tax Senior, Senior Auditor, and Consulting Senior where the position entails reporting directly to a Manager. After six years of excelling with these potions, then you may consider the positions Partner level and Senior Partner.
Having an edge with corporate accounting, one to three years of experience will qualify you to become a staff member in Internal Audit, Tax Accounting, Management, and Financial Accounting. Moving up the higher lever after three to six years, you will be eligible for the Senior Level for Internal Audit, Tax Accounting and Management Accounting. Six years thereafter, you may want to consider aiming for the positions like the Tax Manager, Internal Audit Manager and Financial Accounting Manager.
Expertise in Financial Management, Staff for Financial Planning, Cash Management, and Credit Analysis are options for entry-level positions. Once you have gained the enough experience, you may aim for the Treasury Operations, Credit Analysis and Senior Financial Planning. Higher positions will include Treasurer, Manager for Credit Analysis and Financial Planning.
These career options are traditional paths that were found to fit best for accounting graduates. However, it does not mean that they are the only way to climb up the success ladder. You should go beyond not just limit your skills to accounting. It is still recommended that you gain enough work experience, acquire knowledge in different aspects of education, and continue to improve your character to be a step ahead with other job seekers.
Friday, 8 April 2016
Tips in fishing for salmons in Alaska
Alaska is known as one of the most bountiful areas with salmon, and is ideal for fishing trips.
This is because of extreme tides along the West Coast and the gush of ocean currents that create an environment ideal for the breeding of thousands of baitfish.
It is also known as one of the best places to go if one wants to fish for giant King Salmon, the largest specie of salmon fish.
The best way to catch these giant salmon (in saltwater) is through trolling or by angling a baited line drawn into the water.
Fishing for giant King Salmon can be a year round activity (especially in Seward).
The most sought-after species of salmon are the following:
1. The King Salmon (Chinook) are the largest of all these species. Its weight averages between 20-40 pounds, the heaviest recorded of which is 112 pounds, and can be as long as 3-4". It has a blue-green back that is lightly spotted.
The average life span of a Chinook Salmon is about five to seven years.
Its flesh can range in color from ivory white to a deep red.
Common names for this specie of salmon include tyee, springs, mouth/kings quinnat and tule.
2. Silver Salmon (Coho) on the other hand is slightly smaller with an average weight of 8-12 pounds.
These specie prefer small streams in which to spawn between the months of July to November.
3. Sockeye salmon, on the other hand, are the most sought-after of its entire species because its flesh has a color of deep red and it has a firm rich flavor.
In fishing for salmon in Alaska, one has to be well equipped with the right equipment (and donned with the appropriate apparel).
Listed below are some of the needed equipment/materials and tips for hassle-free fishing:
1. You must be clad in layers of warm clothes (not necessarily bulky ones as it can hinder in the fishing activity).
2. Over these everyday clothes, a waterproof overall, boots and bibs are likewise necessary to ensure that one would stay dry since after a hook-up, some fish may resist with maximum struggles.
3. Fleet or cruisers that offer services for fishing are usually stocked with bait.
4. A guide on board a cruiser ensures that even amateur fishermen will enjoy the activity by providing crash-lessons onboard. They usually hook the bait for the guest and inform the party as to where specific species of fish may thrive for selective fishing.
This is because of extreme tides along the West Coast and the gush of ocean currents that create an environment ideal for the breeding of thousands of baitfish.
It is also known as one of the best places to go if one wants to fish for giant King Salmon, the largest specie of salmon fish.
The best way to catch these giant salmon (in saltwater) is through trolling or by angling a baited line drawn into the water.
Fishing for giant King Salmon can be a year round activity (especially in Seward).
The most sought-after species of salmon are the following:
1. The King Salmon (Chinook) are the largest of all these species. Its weight averages between 20-40 pounds, the heaviest recorded of which is 112 pounds, and can be as long as 3-4". It has a blue-green back that is lightly spotted.
The average life span of a Chinook Salmon is about five to seven years.
Its flesh can range in color from ivory white to a deep red.
Common names for this specie of salmon include tyee, springs, mouth/kings quinnat and tule.
2. Silver Salmon (Coho) on the other hand is slightly smaller with an average weight of 8-12 pounds.
These specie prefer small streams in which to spawn between the months of July to November.
3. Sockeye salmon, on the other hand, are the most sought-after of its entire species because its flesh has a color of deep red and it has a firm rich flavor.
In fishing for salmon in Alaska, one has to be well equipped with the right equipment (and donned with the appropriate apparel).
Listed below are some of the needed equipment/materials and tips for hassle-free fishing:
1. You must be clad in layers of warm clothes (not necessarily bulky ones as it can hinder in the fishing activity).
2. Over these everyday clothes, a waterproof overall, boots and bibs are likewise necessary to ensure that one would stay dry since after a hook-up, some fish may resist with maximum struggles.
3. Fleet or cruisers that offer services for fishing are usually stocked with bait.
4. A guide on board a cruiser ensures that even amateur fishermen will enjoy the activity by providing crash-lessons onboard. They usually hook the bait for the guest and inform the party as to where specific species of fish may thrive for selective fishing.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Alaska Fishing Lodge: The Nature’s Abode
Recreation is an important aspect in the life of human beings. Anglers represent the major group of leisure seekers, and have a determined advantage over the other groups who make use of nature’s wonderful creatures and elements for food.
Consequently, the popularity of fishing in many areas had continuously dominated the society. That is why along with its series of activities, people now realize the need for fishing lodges especially in places where fishing activities seem to never end.
Among all fishing lodges available in the industry today, the Alaska Fishing Lodges are among the most treasured and most popular fishing lodges in the United States.
The Alaska Fishing Lodge provides its customers full customer service satisfaction with their wide array of fishing activities and endless strings of fishing fun.
Normally, Alaska Fishing Lodges are made up of logs; sturdily build to provide each angler optimum convenience and comfort. It is known for its spacious interiors, creatively decorated with the right embellishments, thereby, setting the mood for fishing and wilderness.
In addition, because it carries the true Alaskan heritage, Alaska Fishing Lodges offer services and products that can be afforded by anyone. With its affordable rates, the place is inhabited by people, who mostly want to enjoy life and fishing but cannot afford to buy the pleasures in expensive beaches and lodges.
Best of all, Alaska Fishing Lodges are perfectly located in areas where the waters are abundant with the different species of fish. Usually, these lodges are situated in a place where trout, northern pike, and grayling mostly inhabit the waters.
On the other hand, most Alaska Fishing Lodges are built big enough to occupy 16 guests, in which each guest can avail of personal and individualized services.
Moreover, this type of lodge also houses a place where king salmon are abundant especially during the months of June and early part of July. Most lodges also provide a wide variety of fishing equipment, from rods to tackles and lines.
With all these beautiful features present in every Alaska Fishing Lodge, there is no better place to enjoy fishing and the wilderness like what this particular lodge can offer.
Staying in an Alaska Fishing Lodge is, indeed, an ultimate fishing experience.
Consequently, the popularity of fishing in many areas had continuously dominated the society. That is why along with its series of activities, people now realize the need for fishing lodges especially in places where fishing activities seem to never end.
Among all fishing lodges available in the industry today, the Alaska Fishing Lodges are among the most treasured and most popular fishing lodges in the United States.
The Alaska Fishing Lodge provides its customers full customer service satisfaction with their wide array of fishing activities and endless strings of fishing fun.
Normally, Alaska Fishing Lodges are made up of logs; sturdily build to provide each angler optimum convenience and comfort. It is known for its spacious interiors, creatively decorated with the right embellishments, thereby, setting the mood for fishing and wilderness.
In addition, because it carries the true Alaskan heritage, Alaska Fishing Lodges offer services and products that can be afforded by anyone. With its affordable rates, the place is inhabited by people, who mostly want to enjoy life and fishing but cannot afford to buy the pleasures in expensive beaches and lodges.
Best of all, Alaska Fishing Lodges are perfectly located in areas where the waters are abundant with the different species of fish. Usually, these lodges are situated in a place where trout, northern pike, and grayling mostly inhabit the waters.
On the other hand, most Alaska Fishing Lodges are built big enough to occupy 16 guests, in which each guest can avail of personal and individualized services.
Moreover, this type of lodge also houses a place where king salmon are abundant especially during the months of June and early part of July. Most lodges also provide a wide variety of fishing equipment, from rods to tackles and lines.
With all these beautiful features present in every Alaska Fishing Lodge, there is no better place to enjoy fishing and the wilderness like what this particular lodge can offer.
Staying in an Alaska Fishing Lodge is, indeed, an ultimate fishing experience.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Halim Reopens as Normal After Late Night Runway Collision
Halim Pedanakusum Airport returned to normal scheduling from early
Tuesday (05/04) following an incident which saw a Batik Air Boeing
737-800 and TransNusa Air ATR 42-600 collide on the runway.
Agus Haryadi, head of corporate secretary and legal at airport operator Angkasa Pura II, said in a statement on Tuesday that the runway had been cleared by the emergency unit.
The National Committee for Transportation Safety is continuing investigations, with the cause not immediately clear.
Flights to and from the airport have reopened and operating according to regular schedules.
Tulus Abadi, chairman of the Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation, said the incident must be investigated thoroughly particularly as it shows a lack of coordination between ground crew and personnel.
He added the Ministry of Transportation should impose sanctions on officials involved in the incident, as well as airport management
Agus Haryadi, head of corporate secretary and legal at airport operator Angkasa Pura II, said in a statement on Tuesday that the runway had been cleared by the emergency unit.
The National Committee for Transportation Safety is continuing investigations, with the cause not immediately clear.
Flights to and from the airport have reopened and operating according to regular schedules.
Tulus Abadi, chairman of the Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation, said the incident must be investigated thoroughly particularly as it shows a lack of coordination between ground crew and personnel.
He added the Ministry of Transportation should impose sanctions on officials involved in the incident, as well as airport management
Batik Air Jet Catches Fire After Collision With TransNusa Plane
Batik Air Jet Catches Fire After Collision With TransNusa Plane
Jakarta. Two planes collided as they were taxiing on the runway at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in East Jakarta on Monday (03/04) evening. This caused one of the planes' wings to break and catch fire.
The incident involving a Boeing 737-800 operated by Batik Air and an ATR turboprop plane from TransNusa, occurred at 7.55 p.m., BeritaSatu TV reported.
The Batik Air plane's fuel-laden left wing was extensively damaged and caught fire when it hit the TransNusa plane, which suffered damage to its tail.
Jakarta. Two planes collided as they were taxiing on the runway at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in East Jakarta on Monday (03/04) evening. This caused one of the planes' wings to break and catch fire.
The incident involving a Boeing 737-800 operated by Batik Air and an ATR turboprop plane from TransNusa, occurred at 7.55 p.m., BeritaSatu TV reported.
The Batik Air plane's fuel-laden left wing was extensively damaged and caught fire when it hit the TransNusa plane, which suffered damage to its tail.
immediately evacuated passengers and crews of both planes as they
rushed to contain the fire. The fire was put out more than one hour
later but the runway was closed to all flights until 10 p.m.
Nobody was reportedly injured in the accident.
Transportation Ministry spokesman J.A. Barata said the Batik Air plane was preparing to take off, while "at the same time a TransNusa plane was being towed from the runway to a hangar."
It is still unclear exactly how the accident happened. Airport operator Angkasa Pura II said it has contacted the National Committee for Transportation Safety (KNKT) to investigate the cause of the accident.
"We still cannot determine whether the incident was caused by error from the ATC [air traffic controller], the [tow] operator, or the pilot,” AP II corporate secretary Agus Haryadi told Detik.com.
Andy Salim, public relations manager for Batik Air's parent company Lion Air Group, told the same news portal that the air traffic controller had given permission for the Batik Air plane to take off.
The chairman of the Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation (YLKI), Tulus Abadi, said the KNKT should thoroughly investigate the crash, as it shows that there was no coordination between the ATC personnel and ground crews.
He added that the Ministry of Transportation should impose sanctions on officials involved in the incident and the airport management.
Nobody was reportedly injured in the accident.
Transportation Ministry spokesman J.A. Barata said the Batik Air plane was preparing to take off, while "at the same time a TransNusa plane was being towed from the runway to a hangar."
It is still unclear exactly how the accident happened. Airport operator Angkasa Pura II said it has contacted the National Committee for Transportation Safety (KNKT) to investigate the cause of the accident.
"We still cannot determine whether the incident was caused by error from the ATC [air traffic controller], the [tow] operator, or the pilot,” AP II corporate secretary Agus Haryadi told Detik.com.
Andy Salim, public relations manager for Batik Air's parent company Lion Air Group, told the same news portal that the air traffic controller had given permission for the Batik Air plane to take off.
The chairman of the Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation (YLKI), Tulus Abadi, said the KNKT should thoroughly investigate the crash, as it shows that there was no coordination between the ATC personnel and ground crews.
He added that the Ministry of Transportation should impose sanctions on officials involved in the incident and the airport management.
Monday, 4 April 2016
Find out the best way to buy a sports car
First, before going to a car dealership, buyers should already have an idea of the type of sports car they will be looking for.
Do they want a convertible, a two-seater, a mid-engine sport car, or a luxury sports vehicle? These are questions prospective car buyers need to ask themselves before they start their search. This will make the selection process much easier.
Buyers need to do their homework
It would be best for prospective buyers to do some research ahead of time. Read car magazines, talk to friends and memorize information on those sports vehicles buying guides that they might be interested in buying.
Don't forget to surf the net to get the latest news and information about the various models of sports cars that are on the market.
Compare prices
Pay a visit to a number of car dealerships. Look for special deals and discounts that they might be offering. This way a prospective buyer could get the best possible deal by comparing prices.
If money is a concern, prospective buyers should set a limit on how much they are going to spend, and stick to it!
Insurance premiums for sports cars tend to be relatively higher. This is reason prospective buyers need to set aside a portion of their budget for insurance. They always need to take into account the cost of: maintenance, operation, and repairs.
Timing is everything
The best time of the year to purchase a new sports car is near the end of the year when car dealerships are holding their annual end of the year sales. This is when dealers try to get rid of old models and try to replace them with new ones. The car dealerships offer especially low rates that they would not normally offer during these ‘end of the year’ sales. So it would be best for customers to take advantage at this time.
Do they want a convertible, a two-seater, a mid-engine sport car, or a luxury sports vehicle? These are questions prospective car buyers need to ask themselves before they start their search. This will make the selection process much easier.
Buyers need to do their homework
It would be best for prospective buyers to do some research ahead of time. Read car magazines, talk to friends and memorize information on those sports vehicles buying guides that they might be interested in buying.
Don't forget to surf the net to get the latest news and information about the various models of sports cars that are on the market.
Compare prices
Pay a visit to a number of car dealerships. Look for special deals and discounts that they might be offering. This way a prospective buyer could get the best possible deal by comparing prices.
If money is a concern, prospective buyers should set a limit on how much they are going to spend, and stick to it!
Insurance premiums for sports cars tend to be relatively higher. This is reason prospective buyers need to set aside a portion of their budget for insurance. They always need to take into account the cost of: maintenance, operation, and repairs.
Timing is everything
The best time of the year to purchase a new sports car is near the end of the year when car dealerships are holding their annual end of the year sales. This is when dealers try to get rid of old models and try to replace them with new ones. The car dealerships offer especially low rates that they would not normally offer during these ‘end of the year’ sales. So it would be best for customers to take advantage at this time.
How to Get a Cheap Sports Car
When buying sports cars, the buyer must not only assess his needs and preferences, but more importantly, he must put everything in the context of his budget. Sports cars are generally priced not less than $15,000. However, there are some options available for buying cheaper but valuable sports cars.
An enthusiastic buyer may want to check out the local auctions that are held in his area. Some good sports cars can be bought cheaply in these auctions. However, the auction arena is not made for the faint-hearted buyer. Just like any other kind of auction, it is a stressful and fast environment. One must attend a couple or more auctions before actually trying to purchase a car from this kind of activity.
Another downside of auctions is that there is no opportunity to test the car. In auctions, people buy cars "as they are."
Car Exchange
Auto Exchange Centers may offer you the best cars at very reasonable prices. Buyers might want to do a little Internet research since car exchange centers do advertise their merchandise on the Internet. Remember that the market for cheap sports cars is a buyers' market, which means that you hold the aces when negotiating prices.
Private Seller
Buyers may also look for private sellers of sports cars. Some people need quick cash in cases of emergency so they are forced to sell their precious cars at very attractive prices. Be aware and watch out for such quality deals.
The problem with dealing with private sellers is that once the purchase is made, the buyer is left on his own. He cannot run back to the seller to complain.
Good Models that no one wants
There are good sports car models out there that are being taken for granted by the market. Because of trends in sports car demand, some of the good ones are being left out. This is a good thing for buyers who are looking for value for their money. Some Jaguar, Austin-Healey and Morgan car models are out there, up for grabs at great prices.
Sports cars are luxury cars, but that does not necessarily mean that they should be expensive. Maybe the best things in life are not for free, but you can get good deals to get them. But at the end of the day, quality should be the main aspect that a buyer must look at in purchasing a cheap sports car.
An enthusiastic buyer may want to check out the local auctions that are held in his area. Some good sports cars can be bought cheaply in these auctions. However, the auction arena is not made for the faint-hearted buyer. Just like any other kind of auction, it is a stressful and fast environment. One must attend a couple or more auctions before actually trying to purchase a car from this kind of activity.
Another downside of auctions is that there is no opportunity to test the car. In auctions, people buy cars "as they are."
Car Exchange
Auto Exchange Centers may offer you the best cars at very reasonable prices. Buyers might want to do a little Internet research since car exchange centers do advertise their merchandise on the Internet. Remember that the market for cheap sports cars is a buyers' market, which means that you hold the aces when negotiating prices.
Private Seller
Buyers may also look for private sellers of sports cars. Some people need quick cash in cases of emergency so they are forced to sell their precious cars at very attractive prices. Be aware and watch out for such quality deals.
The problem with dealing with private sellers is that once the purchase is made, the buyer is left on his own. He cannot run back to the seller to complain.
Good Models that no one wants
There are good sports car models out there that are being taken for granted by the market. Because of trends in sports car demand, some of the good ones are being left out. This is a good thing for buyers who are looking for value for their money. Some Jaguar, Austin-Healey and Morgan car models are out there, up for grabs at great prices.
Sports cars are luxury cars, but that does not necessarily mean that they should be expensive. Maybe the best things in life are not for free, but you can get good deals to get them. But at the end of the day, quality should be the main aspect that a buyer must look at in purchasing a cheap sports car.
How to buy the cheapest sports car insurance policy
For most people a sports vehicle is the car of their dreams. The feel of a revving engine and their hair being swept back by the wind as their convertible speeds down on the highway, they feel is a prize worth paying for.
But what if once they acquire the sports car of their dreams, and the thrill of victory dies when they realize that something has gone terribly wrong? They suddenly realize they have blown most of their hard earned cash on the purchase of their new vehicle, not leaving enough for the purchase of car insurance. This is when the hunt for a cheap sports car insurance policy begins!
Some things to remember when looking for cheap sports car insurance:
Shop around the internet for insurance rates
Some of the cheaper sports car insurance rates can be found on the internet. Several insurance companies offer deals and discounts. There are also car insurance companies that offer free insurance estimates online.
Factors in determining cost
Sports cars that are driven in places that are considered to have high crime rates cost more to insure. Sports cars are known to be more often stolen than a non-sports vehicle. Their cost for repairs is relatively higher. This is why the insurance premium for sports vehicles are higher than average.
But if a sports car is equipped with safety features such as car alarm, detachable stereo, and steering wheel lock - the cost to have it insured will be reduced.
Compare prices
Shop around for the cheapest sports car insurance policy. This way you will be able to compare the different deals and offers car insurance companies are offering.
Customers would also know if they are being treated fairly, since they have a basis of comparison from different sources.
It is also a factor how many individuals are to be covered by a particular insurance company. This is why it is imperative to look into different sources for the best deal. Different insurance companies offer different terms and agreements.
There are numerous car insurance companies out that are less expensive sports car insurance.
The key is to find those that are offering discounts and special deals for the specific model of car and one that cover the buyer's needs and specifications. This way the owning a sports car will be an exhilarating experience.
But what if once they acquire the sports car of their dreams, and the thrill of victory dies when they realize that something has gone terribly wrong? They suddenly realize they have blown most of their hard earned cash on the purchase of their new vehicle, not leaving enough for the purchase of car insurance. This is when the hunt for a cheap sports car insurance policy begins!
Some things to remember when looking for cheap sports car insurance:
Shop around the internet for insurance rates
Some of the cheaper sports car insurance rates can be found on the internet. Several insurance companies offer deals and discounts. There are also car insurance companies that offer free insurance estimates online.
Factors in determining cost
Sports cars that are driven in places that are considered to have high crime rates cost more to insure. Sports cars are known to be more often stolen than a non-sports vehicle. Their cost for repairs is relatively higher. This is why the insurance premium for sports vehicles are higher than average.
But if a sports car is equipped with safety features such as car alarm, detachable stereo, and steering wheel lock - the cost to have it insured will be reduced.
Compare prices
Shop around for the cheapest sports car insurance policy. This way you will be able to compare the different deals and offers car insurance companies are offering.
Customers would also know if they are being treated fairly, since they have a basis of comparison from different sources.
It is also a factor how many individuals are to be covered by a particular insurance company. This is why it is imperative to look into different sources for the best deal. Different insurance companies offer different terms and agreements.
There are numerous car insurance companies out that are less expensive sports car insurance.
The key is to find those that are offering discounts and special deals for the specific model of car and one that cover the buyer's needs and specifications. This way the owning a sports car will be an exhilarating experience.
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